D15076: Build failures with KSyntaxHighlighting 5.49

Alexander Semke noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Aug 26 21:33:39 BST 2018

asemke added a comment.

  In D15076#315803 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D15076#315803>, @cgiboudeaux wrote:
  > In D15076#315797 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D15076#315797>, @asemke wrote:
  > >
  > > /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot open output file ../../../bin/cantor/backends/cantor_nullbackend.so: Not a directory
  > > 
  > >   
  > OK, I can reproduce and ironically, the issue is caused by a fix in kcoreaddons to fix build with the commit I mentioned before.
  > Short version:
  >  the cantor stuff uses the  kcoreaddons_add_plugin macro with the INSTALL_NAMESPACE parameter pointing to "cantor/backends" This creates a cantor/backends subdir in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/
  > The build fails locally because the linker can't create the cantor executable in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin. There's already a directory using the same name.
  I see. Thanks for the explanation. Since there is no urgent need to use for ECM 5.49, we can stick to 5.15 for a moment. Or are there any reasons not to do so?

  R55 Cantor


To: asemke, #kde_edu, #cantor, #frameworks
Cc: cgiboudeaux, mpyne, cullmann, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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