D14939: Making more recommended xplanet changes and fixing bugs:

Jasem Mutlaq noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Aug 21 16:13:20 BST 2018

mutlaqja added inline comments.


> pino wrote in xplanetimageviewer.cpp:200-206
> As I mentioned already in the previous review, I'm pretty sure kstars knows about these names already. Isn't it possible to get them from KStarsData, instead of duplicating them?

No it's not possible.

> pino wrote in xplanetimageviewer.cpp:257-259
> As I mentioned already, hardcoding these attributes is a bad UI. Please remove these three lines in all the buttons, let the style decide (following user preferences, which include accessibility).

How do you make them look like icon buttons and not just some button with a pixmap on it?

  R321 KStars


To: lancaster, yurchor, pino, mutlaqja, kde-edu
Cc: kde-edu, mutlaqja, pino, yurchor, narvaez, apol
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