D14738: Add the markdown entry

Filipe Saraiva noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Aug 15 11:33:52 BST 2018

filipesaraiva reopened this revision.
filipesaraiva added a comment.

  Oh no, sorry. I thought the authorship was maintained... when I answer:
  > This branch has revision 'D14738 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D14738>: Add the markdown entry' but you are not
  >   the author. Land this revision by kqwyf? [y/N] y
  I thought the authorship would be changed to kqwyf.
  Can I change the authorship of the commit and push now? Do you know @pino?
  Argh... really, sorry for this.

  R55 Cantor


To: kqwyf, pino, #cantor, filipesaraiva
Cc: sirgienko, filipesaraiva, pino, asemke, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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