D14813: Adding XPlanet Viewer

Jasem Mutlaq noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Aug 14 06:19:06 BST 2018

mutlaqja added a reviewer: mutlaqja.
mutlaqja added a comment.

  Wow this is great and it's pretty much feature-complete! A few comments:
  1. We probably need to include this now in the Tools menu.
  2. KStars XPlanet Viewer, while technically correct, is not a user-friendly name. We should probably use something like "Solar System Simulator" or something like that. Something obvious to new users.
  3. Mouse wheel should probably control FOV.
  4. For FOV --> None vs KStars is not clear. First of all, it's not really "None", there is FOV obviously so a better term should be used here. Default? 100%? Close.. I don't know. Also using the program name is also weird "KStars", we need another name for that. "Current" or whatever. This includes "Use KStars's FOV' in options as well.
  5. Reset buttons should probably align (on 2nd and 3rd options).
  6. The timeshift setting is great, but maybe we can add custom date/time widget along with "Play" and "Pause" buttons and a unit combo (secs/min/hours/months/years) so every second of KStars time translate to XPlanet simulation time? Maybe I want to view some event at some time in the future or past.

  R321 KStars


To: lancaster, mutlaqja
Cc: mutlaqja, kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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