Cyrillic Mongolian keyboard for KTouch

Popolon popolon at
Fri Oct 28 22:50:38 UTC 2016

Sorry too, I didn't follow the thread at all. I just started to search 
at the moment for the mail to find where was the project and found this 
answer, from half hour ago :).

You can use my nickname. Is there anything auto-generated for the 
lessons? With aspell dictionary for example. Or is there some work to do 
? In this Case I would be happy to help.

Best Regards,


Le 29/10/2016 à 00:12, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
> El dimarts, 2 d’agost de 2016, a les 23:42:40 CEST, Albert Astals Cid va
> escriure:
>> El dimarts, 2 d’agost de 2016, a les 2:32:01 CEST, Popolon va escriure:
>>> Hi,
>>> First, thanks for your answer.
>> Please keep the list in CC so others can see it.
> I was about to commit your Mongolian keyboard file (yes it took a long time,
> sorry) and realized i don't have a name to use for the contribution, can I
> have your name?
> Cheers,
>   Albert
>>> I use the default cyrrilic mongolian keyboard (used in Mongolia) for
>>> linux, aka, adding it from keybords (on Ubuntu, but should be the same
>>> on archlinux on other distribution, has it depend on X11 keyboards),
>>> switch from french one to cyrillic mongolian one by prefs or an icon on
>>> my deskbar. I followed characters that was on linux one, the | key seems
>>> different on the bottom part on windows cyrillic mongolian keyboard, the
>>> other keys are at the same place than on windows one. I typed keys one
>>> by one on their position to be sure to have matching position.
>> Ok, thanks.
>> Cheers,
>>   Albert
>>> I also wrote an input method for traditionnal mongolian script (mongol
>>> bichig, used mainly in china) keyboard, the veriety of keyboards are for
>>> more numerous for traditonnal mongol, but that another subject, still
>>> not perfect, this script is a complex one (in the sense of input mehods)
>>> as for I know, and need ibus for writting. This keyboard needs to first
>>> be accepted by ibus.
>>> There is a cyrillic mongolian keyboard for ibus too (called Maral), it
>>> mainly wrap letters keys and tögrög (₮, the symbol of the money, does
>>> not matter with keys or other special characters parameters.
>>> Best Regards.
>>> Popolon
>>> Le 01/08/2016 à 23:29, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
>>>> El dimarts, 12 de juliol de 2016, a les 23:24:16 CEST, Popolon va
>> escriure:
>>>>> Hi everyone.
>>>>> I'm interested in Mongolian language, and to help me improve my typing
>>>>> in Mongolian (first Cyrillic, later traditional Mongolian one), I would
>>>>> like to add Mongolian curses in KTouch.
>>>> I've found conflicting versions of  Cyrillic Mongolian keyboard when
>>>> googling for it, could you send us a picture of your keyboard (assuming
>>>> it has the symbols written in) to confirm this is the correct layuit?
>>>>> In attachment is a KTouch definition for Cyrillic Mongolian keyboard. I
>>>>> submit this file under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
>>>>> I tied to made automatic lesson following a perl script that was in
>>>>> version 4.8 of KTouch, I seen the format is not the same XML format
>>>>> than
>>>>> the today generated lesson (not to hard to convert) and that they are
>>>>> far simpler than the today automatically generated lessons. I didn't
>>>>> found information about today lesson generator.
>>>>> Mongolian language aspell module isn't available on some distribution,
>>>>> but it exists, on aspell web site at the following address (or other
>>>>> gnu
>>>>> mirror). I was able to use it to generate the simple and old format
>>>>> lessons.
>>>>> I noticed another problem. The keyboard used is system one (mine is
>>>>> French), I didn't find how to switch from one keyboard disposition to
>>>>> another one manually, I seen that's possible on Windows. Why for this
>>>>> function is disable on Linux ? I changed my used keyboard from French
>>>>> one to Mongolian in system preferences, it didn't work better. Perhaps
>>>>> because my system is in French, or the default keyboard is French. I
>>>>> use
>>>>> XFCE as desktop environment, not KDE, could it be the problem ?
>>>> The keyboard shown in ktouch should be the same one used in your system,
>>>> that should work no matter what desktop environment you are running,
>>>> also, KDE is not a desktop environment.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>>   Albert
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Popolon
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