Review Request 127321: Error while loading theme_reference.svgz in parley

Andreas Cord-Landwehr cordlandwehr at
Wed Mar 9 20:50:23 UTC 2016

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Just noticed that the text inside the reference theme is horrible out of date.
Could you also change the links for the files from SVN to point to the Git repository as well as change the path for the parley/themes/ folder, which still contains "kde4"?

BTW if you plan to continue submitting Parley/KDE patches (which is awesome!) you might want to think about applying for a contributor account ;)

- Andreas Cord-Landwehr

On März 9, 2016, 8:29 nachm., Hartmut Riesenbeck wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated März 9, 2016, 8:29 nachm.)
> Review request for KDE Edu.
> Description
> -------
> While loading the standard theme in parley the following message 
> was shown on stderr:
> Could not add child element to parent element because the types are 
> incorrect.
> This message came from QSvgRenderer while loading theme_reference.svgz.
> The svg file was malformed. The faulty text field was deleted and 
> rebuild. Additionaly the Bitstream Vera Sans font was replaced by
> a standard sans font.
> Diffs
> -----
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Tested it on openSUSE Leap 42.1
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> theme_reference.svgz
> Thanks,
> Hartmut Riesenbeck

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