Jenkins-kde-ci: analitza master kf5-qt5 » Linux,gcc - Build # 6 - Failure!

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Tue Sep 29 23:21:57 UTC 2015


Build URL:,compiler=gcc/6/
Project: PLATFORM=Linux,compiler=gcc
Date of build: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 23:13:10 +0000
Build duration: 4 min 54 sec

Revision 356972e2aec0a205388aa2e674b67855d5c67c1e by aleixpol: (Make some code shareable for the future Graph3DItem)
  change: edit analitzaplot/plotsmodel.h
  change: edit declarative/graph2dmobile.cpp
  change: edit analitzaplot/plotsmodel.cpp
Revision b95c395497b0ad3a9d9750600ec461dc1f1d8c39 by aleixpol: (Introduce the Graph3DItem)
  change: add declarative/graph3ditem.cpp
  change: add declarative/examples/3Dexample.qml
  change: edit declarative/analitzadeclarativeplugin.cpp
  change: add declarative/graph3ditem.h
  change: edit declarative/CMakeLists.txt
  change: add declarative/examples/Plot3D.qml
Revision 04b59083ef3e8e38fbfbbd25dbd96e0de85a1108 by aleixpol: (Small issues)
  change: edit declarative/analitzawrapper.cpp
  change: edit analitzaplot/plotter3d_es.h
  change: edit analitzaplot/plotter3d_es.cpp
  change: edit analitzaplot/CMakeLists.txt
  change: edit declarative/analitzawrapper.h
Revision 09deade7eeeb327a0aa93f068daff11e617c32c6 by aleixpol: (Simplify structures that keep the 3DESPlotter and the model up to date)
  change: edit analitzaplot/plotter3d_es.cpp
Revision da6d26149d421d9cdfc3ca715b1deef7d1927157 by aleixpol: (Provide a Graph3D component to be used by KAlgebraMobile)
  change: edit declarative/qmldir
  change: add declarative/qml/Graph3D.qml
  change: delete declarative/examples/3Dexample.qml
  change: edit declarative/graph3ditem.cpp
  change: edit declarative/CMakeLists.txt
  change: delete declarative/examples/Plot3D.qml
Revision 5d9674446a416dc70c31a355648ae17aa0756e4b by aleixpol: (Prefer specifying the properties in the C++ side)
  change: edit declarative/qml/Graph3D.qml
  change: edit declarative/graph3ditem.cpp

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