LabPlot builds and runs with kf5

Marko Käning mk-lists at
Sat Apr 18 07:28:37 UTC 2015

Hi Alexander,

On 18 Apr 2015, at 08:47 , Alexander Semke <Alexander.Semke at> wrote:

> Hi Marco, Hi Scarlett,

Mar_k_o, actually! ;)

> that's really great. Thank you for this!

You’re very welcome.

> I still would like to setup the dev-environment on my old macbook to fix 
> problems like this. So, if there is somewhere a brief documentation for how to 
> setup kf5 on OSX, please tell me :-) The CI-job on the jenkins server will 
> help to observe and to keep the mac os build stable without the need to 
> compile the project every time on OSX locally.

Well, throughout the past year I have collect infos [1] about getting an independent
CI system up and running on OSX/CI.

I am not sure whether this is the best way to get that done. Please refer to the
KDE-MAC mailing list as you’ll get more feedback on alternative installation methods
there. I know that Jeremy Whiting uses kdesrc-build for this, but currently seems to
have some dbus trouble.

There is more on KDE’s community wiki [2].

Harald Fernengel’s recipes in his HOMEBREWery might be also interesting for you [3].
I don’t know anything about Homebrew, but it looks like you should be able to get
quick start once HB is setup.

Unfortunately MacPorts - up to now - still doesn’t offer any ports for KF5, as we’re
lacking in manpower for this task.

I don’t know how up-to-date KDE’s techbase wiki page for OSX is these days, but I
know that Jeremy update it last December.

If you plan to work on OSX too, please join us over at KDE-MAC!!!




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