libkdeedu icons

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Wed Jun 25 02:21:35 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi <
percy.camilo.ta at> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 8:46 PM, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at>
>> wrote:
>>> Aleix, All,
>>> In looking at what needs to be done to prepare libkdeedu for porting
>>> to kf5 and qt5 and what needs doing to split (or maybe just repurpose
>>> it as libkeduvocdocument + data ?) as per
>>> I took a look at the icons
>>> folder.
>>> The users of the icons there are mostly kmplot, but also analitza.  My
>>> question is where should these icons go? Can/should we move them into
>>> some general purpose icons repository (kde-artwork or something?) or
>>> should they move into analitza git repo (only if kmplot depends on
>>> analitza already I think). Or somewhere else entirely?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeremy
>> Hi,
>> kmplot doesn't use analitza and never will, what we are proposing is
>> khipu, a new project, as a replacement.
>>  That said, I'd say the best could be to get a kde-math-icons repository
>> or similar? Is there another case of a repository with only icons? Maybe
>> oxygen? (even though the icons are not oxygen per se...)
>> Anybody has an opinion?
>> Aleix
>> PS: Adding kde-devel because I can see this happening on other modules as
>> well and I think we want a way do decide these things.
> We could move those artifacts into something like libkdeedu-math-data or
> as Aleix said: kde-math-icons. In any case, I think a dedicated repository
> for this kind of content (related with kde math applications) is a good
> idea.
> Percy
> It still sounds quite weird that we have a repo for all artwork in KDE
except for some and then one with the mathematical icons as if they were
something that special.

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