OSX/CI system: kalgebra config unable to locate analitza on branch frameworks

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Tue Jul 15 21:21:20 UTC 2014

Hi Ben,

On 15 Jul 2014, at 12:47 , Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at kde.org> wrote:
> I don't see Analitza (or anything from KDE-Edu) being mentioned in the
> generated environment, which would appear to be the issue.
> Does analitza get mentioned in the dependencies list when you run
> perform-build.py?

oh, I guess we come closer to the source of trouble at last! :-)

Attached you’ll find the build log of kalgebra and you’re absolutely right,
all kde-edu stuff doesn’t seem to appear in the dependencies currently known
to the CI system...

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Name: kalgebra.log.gz
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... at least not for KF5:
MVM2:dependencies marko$ pwd
MVM2:dependencies marko$ ls -1
MVM2:dependencies marko$ grep kalgebra *
dependency-data:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/analitza
dependency-data:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/libkdeedu
dependency-data-latest-qt4:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/analitza
dependency-data-latest-qt4:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/libkdeedu
dependency-data-oldstable-qt4:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/analitza
dependency-data-oldstable-qt4:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/libkdeedu
dependency-data-stable-qt4:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/analitza
dependency-data-stable-qt4:kde/kdeedu/kalgebra: kde/kdeedu/libkdeedu
grep: tools: Is a directory
MVM2:dependencies marko$ 
since kalgebra is still missing in the CI system's


which is the source of all the trouble encountered so far!

So, what I did then was to simply copy the kdeedu section from dependency-data-latest-qt4
into the dependency file for kf5-qt5 and now things progress differently. :-)

Ben, I guess the dependency data which are on the CI system aren’t up to date
then! What should be done about that? (IIRC you’re not maintaining those files
yourself, right?)

I’ll start a new thread for the new (and more-up-to-date) errors found. :-)


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