OSX/CI system: kalgebra config unable to locate analitza on branch frameworks

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Mon Jul 14 19:31:22 UTC 2014

Hi Aleix,

I gave kalbgebra another try after having fixed the analitza issue - thanks to Ben, who pointed out that I should re-configure my CI system including deployment, which I had disabled assuming that it only affects the upload of built files to the jenkins master server.

Unfortunately I still see the warning about the package's config file not being found! :-/

I tried configuring the CI system like this:
$ cat /Users/marko/scripts/config/build/kalgebra/darwin-mavericks.cfg 
but to no avail.

Also, I never met a situation like this, i.e. where I was forced to specify the location of dependencies.

Could be I need to configure the CI system someplace else differently?!

OK, I am stuck again.

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