Pending Applications for KDE Edu

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annmam at
Wed Feb 19 12:19:47 UTC 2014

On 19 Feb 2014, at 11:41, Andreas Cord-Landwehr <cordlandwehr at> wrote:

> Hi Anne-Marie, there are currently two projects in kde review that would like to join KDE Edu:
> * kqtquickcharts : split out of internal library out of KTouch
> * Artikulate : my new pronunciation trainer
> If I understand the application life cycle correctly, there is an approval of the module maintainer required to let them go into KDE Edu. Since the 4.13 freeze will start in 7 days, time runs :)
> So it would be cool if you could respond to boths threads at kde-core-devel and say what you think about it. Both projects are already 2 weeks in review and all known issues were fixed.
> Greetings,
> Andreas

Hi Andreas,

I do not have at the moment a working KDE version where I could test the 2 above programs.

As you all saw, I did not have much free time to work on KDE the past 2 years and when I do have a little time, I don’t find the motivation to catch on... I won’t be at Akademy nor at the next KDE Edu Randa meeting due to family contraints at that time. I still hope to port my Edu programs to KF5 soon though and I still follow the mailing lists a bit. 

I think the best thing is for myself to step down formally as module maintainer so either you or Aleix or somebody else can become module maintainer. Is there any other formal duty that I hold? 

When you decide on whom will be the new maintainer I can send a mail to kde-core-devel explaining that I stepped down and somebody else replaces me.

Best regards and thank you all for your work on KDE Edu, the arrival of Artikulate and kqtquickcharts as a shared lib are of course very good news!

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