KDE Edu at the Randa Meetings 2014

Mario Fux EDU ML edu-ml at unormal.org
Wed Feb 12 09:27:31 UTC 2014

Good morning gals and guys

I'm currently in the process of organizing the next edition of the Randa 
Meetings. The dates are set: Saturday, 9th to Friday 15th of August.

Now we need just some more groups. I think the focus of this year is KF5 and 
KDE SDK. And I'd like to have you edu guys there as well. Currently I see your 
main topics as language software and maths stuff.

Would you be interested? If yes I'd set up a kdeedu group on sprints.kde.org 
for the Randa Meetings 2014 and you could add yourselves as soon as I finally 
annouce the Randa Meetings 2014 (planned for this week).

Best regards and nice to see so much activitiy currently in KDE Edu

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