Some REAl general thoughts on the KDE-EDU world

Kevin Krammer krammer at
Mon Apr 7 11:35:07 UTC 2014

On Saturday, 2014-04-05, 22:24:03, Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> Am Montag, 31. März 2014, 23:13:24 schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> > I agree that the base systems become more closed but most of the mobile
> > platforms have also started to move away from closing down the application
> > level too much.
> Is it realy the most platforms? Are Samsung and Apple doing it? Have I
> misunderstood what you have written.

True, "most" might have been an exaggeration given that both Apple and 
Microsoft are traditionally very hostile towards Free Software.

However, I vaguely remember a discussion two years ago at FOSDEM where  a VLC 
guy said that Microsoft had revised their store policies to be more inclusive 
in choice of FOSS licenses, so it could be down to Apple.

I hadn't actually though about Tizen/Samsung when writing the other reply, but 
my guess would be that it will be a rather open platform.

Android and BlackBerry allow out-of-store installs so they are more like 
traditional platforms in this regard.

> > But yes, the overall situation is not as nice as it could be.
> Yes! I would be glad to understand the reasons.

My money would be on the usual: lock-in

> > I have no information on the Vivalid tablet, my understanding is that it
> > is
> > moving slowly due to complications with the hardware.
> As far as I know, the technical problems are solved and the concept is realy
> innovative.
> The problerms are financial and maybe organizational.

Ah, maybe. I had thought that the latter two had already been solved prior to 
the first attempt (contracting with a traditional ODM).

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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