Step - missing tools

Christian Herzberg mailchrisch at
Sat Mar 30 21:00:29 UTC 2013

Am Sonntag, 10. März 2013, 15:50:07 schrieb Nuno Pinhão:
> Hi,
> I have been exploring Step and I find it a nice tool to explore and teach
> some physics concepts. However for a mechanics course it lacks some tools
> that I believe, won't be very difficult to implement: a pulley and a cord.
> This would allow to connect bodies in a flexible way (the cord) and to
> change the direction of this connection (the pulley).
> I wounder if anybody is implementing or considering this. Otherwise I can
> try to find some free time do think how to program this.
> Regards
> Nuno Pinhão

Dear Nuno,

Your ideas would be very useful. Hopefully the one considering to implement 
this (maybe you) take a look at other really useful ideas (I mean all the 
green wishlist items in

I'm not a programmer, "only" a teacher for physics using step to teach 
mechanics. But if I may help somehow implementing some new ideas let me know.

Thanks for your ideas and all efforts
Kindest regards

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