[KTouch] Updating website information
Sebastian Gottfried
sebastiangottfried at web.de
Tue Feb 5 18:50:08 UTC 2013
Hi everyone,
with the imminent release of KTouch 2.0 as part of KDE SC 4.10 I though it
might be a good idea to update the its various public websites.
For the beginning I would l to focus on two pages especially. KTouch on
Userbase and KTouch on edu.kde.org.
For Userbase I've already created an updated version of its page in my
personal namespace:
> http://userbase.kde.org/User:Sebastian/KTouch
Basically I have removed the outdated keyboard layout tutorial, uploaded a new
screenshot composition and updated/streamlined the basic application infos.
In the future this should be the home for newly written tutorials, for now the
(very complete) handbook has to suffice.
For edu.kde.org I have a updated version of ktouch.json (basically the same
infos as on Userbase, removed links to ktouch.sf.net and page on kde-apps.org)
and new screenshot [1] reflecting the general style of the other application's
screenshots, but I don't think I can check them in myself.
Any general feedback?
And how can I get my changes for edu.kde.org online?
Best regards,
[1]: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k1js7xegdk8b0ln/ktouch_edu_kde_org.png
-------------- next part --------------
"name": "KTouch",
"parent": "kdeedu",
"repository": ["git", "ktouch"],
"icon": ["own", "icons/hi{size}-app-ktouch.png"],
"<p><strong>KTouch</strong> is a program to learn and practice touch typing. Every finger has its place on the keyboard with associated keys to press. Starting with only a few keys to remember you will advance through different training levels where additional keys are introduced. Because you no longer need to search for the keys on the keyboard you will be able to type quickly and accurately.</p>",
"age": "School",
"subject": "Miscellaneous",
"Ships with dozens of courses spanning many different languages and keyboard layouts",
"Powerful course and keyboard layout editor for user-created training material",
"Comprehensive training statistics to track and analyze your learning progress"
"homepage": false,
"kde-apps.org": false,
"userbase": "Applications/Education/KTouch",
"forum": 21,
"handbook": "http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdeedu/ktouch/index.html",
"irc": "#kde-edu",
"mailing lists": "kde-edu at kde.org",
"cia.vc": "kde/ktouch",
"bugs": "ktouch"
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