Finding Boost-Python using CMake in Kig

David Narvaez david.narvaez at
Tue Apr 2 11:26:33 UTC 2013

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 7:14 AM, David Narvaez
<david.narvaez at> wrote:
> So, to be concrete: Our curent FindBoostPython.cmake
> - Tries using PkgConfig to find Python
>   - If that works, tries to find Boost Python using CMake (~20 lines)
> - If that doesn't work, tries building several combinations of library
> names and include dirs and tries compiling some code to test
> Boost+Python installation (~80 lines)
> I argue that those ~80 lines can be removed since it is very unlikely
> that they will find the right configuration; and we just stick to the
> PkgConfig + CMake approach.

I committed these changes, but only to master so that no major
disruption will happen until 4.11.

David E. Narváez

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