FeetWetCoding: Trying to make learning C++ a little more fun!

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Thu Aug 23 17:56:57 UTC 2012

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 7:20 PM, Robert Holder <robert at feetwetcoding.com> wrote:
> Tomaz, I just wanted to tell you that after my wife and I read your messages
> together and talked about them, we realized that you are absolutely right:
> if the learning experience we provide happens in the IDE, then we would need
> to have a whole lot more resources on our documentation site (tutorial
> pages, and probably even intro videos) than we have--or as you suggested,
> provide some sort of plug-in to Qt Creator that gives some kind of guidance
> to the student.
> You have pointed out a big shortcoming in our project that has been
> completely in our blind spot!  So, that is extremely helpful to us, and we
> really do appreciate your feedback.  It is just not realistic for us to
> assume beginners will be able to jump into IDE-based development with what
> we have given them so far.   Honestly, in my mind, I had just sort of been
> thinking, "Well, the teacher will explain how to use Qt Creator to them!"
> :-D  lol  But that is not a real solution.  We've been so close to this
> code/project for so long, we just cannot really see it with fresh eyes, so
> it is very valuable to us that we got that feedback.
> We're not sure if we have the time to do what is needed to fix it, but we
> are glad we at least see that issue now!  :-)  You've definitely given us
> something important to think about though. Thanks again!
> Best Regards,
> Robert
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I don't know much about QtCreator, but if you were interested in
integrating it to KDevelop I might be able to help. :)


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