Pairs GUI

Frederik Gladhorn gladhorn at
Sun Nov 6 19:00:53 UTC 2011

On 29. okt. 2011, at 15.47, Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:

> Hi,
> It does not use QML (yet ;-)) and nor Gluon.  It would be nice to have a Gluon 
> Edu game soon when Gluon matures a bit more. Pairs is a Memory-like game and 
> is maybe too static for Gluon. 
> A good prototype for Gluon would be a math shooter game for example.
> We're researching how to make the Pairs interface more touch friendly and 
> we'll use QML for it if possible (lack of components right now).

What is missing for you? In my experience you can build a relatively simple app with the desktop components easily.
Please give us feedback.


> Anne-Marie
> On Saturday, October 29, 2011 03:21:19 PM Joseph Anania wrote:
>> What kind of game is it, and what does it teach?  Does it use QML or Gluon?
>> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Marco Calignano 
> <marco.calignano at>wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> like everyone knows Aleix and I are developing a new game called Pairs.
>>> The game  works good, but we would need someone to help us out with the
>>> Graphic layout.
>>> In particular the layout should be built to be easy for children and for
>>> touchscreen users.
>>> Also we would need an Icon for the game.
>>> Is there anyone interested (or know anyone who is interested) in being
>>> part of our team to improve the game in the graphical aspects.
>>> Thanks
>>> Marco
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