[kde-edu]: Re: Site web "Development Information" should be Git

Matthias Meßmer messmer at kde.org
Tue May 10 15:47:02 CEST 2011


On 09.05.2011 20:47, Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
> - What if I want to add that libkdeedu should be built first for the apps that 
> require it?

As I am a git newbie I even don't know what I have to enter to clone and
compile libkdeedu first.

Can you write down the steps you wanted to explain on the development
pages, for instance for KLettres.

At the moment I think there is no option to hold additional optional
steps via the json files, but the related PHP class can easily be
extended to manage that. But I need an example to make a resonable proposal.

> - On http://edu.kde.org/applications/preschool there are KDE apps wrongly 
> syndicated, I don't think we want to display the latest kde-apps.org additions 
> here. (same for other categories). Do we need anything at all here?

Ingo and me found these feeds as the new layout came up. This is similar
to the main kde.org/applications pages. But I agree that we could better
drop these on the edu pages.



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