[kde-edu]: Re: GSoC 2011 proposal for Kiten

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at kde.org
Tue Mar 29 00:25:07 CEST 2011

On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:19 PM, Daniel E. Moctezuma <democtezuma at gmail.com
> wrote:

> That's Great!
> I forgot to add that I have already been studying some of the code and as
> part of that process I polished most of the source code to follow a
> consistent coding standard and documentation (it's a lot more readable now
> :P).
That's awesome.  have you been working on a branch somewhere?  We are
hopefully moving to git soon (before gsoc starts) so when soc starts you'll
want to work in a personal branch there probably (git.kde.org).  Until then
feel free to post patches, svn branch diffs on reviewboard.  Also, subscribe
to kde-edu if you haven't already (I guess you have since you've been
writing to it...)

> Also I'm thinking on using MVC as part of the GUI improvement (as suggested
> before in the TODO list of Kiten), while I'm not an expert on design
> patterns from what I've already read it seems it has a lot of advantages.

That sounds like a good idea, I'll review Kiten current codebase shortly and
we can discuss specifically in kiten code what using MVC means  to you.


> --
> Daniel E. Moctezuma
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