Cantor-SAGE: Display image

Martin Küttler martin.kuettler at
Tue Jun 7 21:00:42 CEST 2011


one could add a way to manually include pictures in the worksheet. In
fact, I don't think that would be too hard to do. I could try to
implement that feature, if you are interested.

Best regards,
Martin Küttler

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Alexander Rieder
<alexanderrieder at> wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 June 2011 17:10:04 Uwe Fechner wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> I can display diagrams, using the plot command of sage from within
>> a cantor worksheet.
>> But I did not find a way yet, to display an arbitrary image file within
>> the cantor worksheet.
>> Has anybody an idea, how to do that?
>> Best regards:
>> Uwe Fechner
> Hi,
> I don't thing there is a clean way of doing this, as cantor only detects if
> the command was a plot, by looking if there is a new file created in its temp
> directory and then displays it (I didn't think there was any usecase for doing
> anything else).
> As a veery dirty workaround you can just copy your image into sages temp
> directory using something like "tmpfile=tmp_filename(); cp plt.png $tmpfile".
> best regards,
> Alexander Rieder
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