R: Re: KDE Edu in schools

LucaTringali TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Wed Jun 1 19:28:00 CEST 2011

Yeah, it's right: the best thing is to try some disto with a live disc. Anyway, 
everything depends from the type of the school: Opensuse and Kubuntu (with the 
edubuntu add-on) are good choices in general. Just take note that Opensuse 
needs more space than Kubuntu.  If you work in a primary school probably you 
could take a look to Skolelinux and Didatux (their stable versions both run KDE 
3.5) or Quimo (it runs Xfce, but has the newest kde-edu applications).

Luca Tringali

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: toscalix at gmail.com
>Data: 01/06/2011 18.15
>A: <kde-edu at kde.org>
>Ogg: Re: KDE Edu in schools
>both, Kubuntu and OpenSuse are great distros. I would point him to a link of 
>live CD of both distros so he can try them and choose.
>If the school has debian based servers, probably Kubuntu is better. If they 
>Windows, specially AD and he is thinking about integrating the desktops with 
>services (maybe paying a commercial license), probably OpenSuse is better. 
>is nothing but a general rule. There are probably some people that do not 
>Agustín Benito Bethencourt (toscalix)
>kde-edu mailing list
>kde-edu at mail.kde.org

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