Want to Contribute to KDE-Edu Community.

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Mon Dec 19 08:02:11 UTC 2011

The KmPlot and KAlgebra merge is already advanced so anyone wanting to contribute to it should ask Aleix about guidance.

There are other tasks that could be done but that require thinking and designing first. For example, KBruch is very used in a school in France and the teachers would like to see it separated in 2: one GUI for the teachers to set the exercises and the GUI for the student to do the exercise. That could lead to doing the same for KWordQuiz. Research includes state of educational desktop to see if something could be used and also design of the app.


Le 19 déc. 2011 à 08:27, todd rme <toddrme2178 at gmail.com> a écrit :

> On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Eike Krumbacher
> <eike.krumbacher at x-eike.de> wrote:
>> * There is one app arround in KDE-EDU, kmplot, which does not have a
>> maintainer.
>> http://edu.kde.org/applications/mathematics/kmplot/
>> There are lots of things to do, to make kmplot shiny again. Would you like
>> to take a step?
> There was also some talk, I recall, of merging the features of kmplot
> into kalgebra, and dropping kmplot.  They do have a lot of overlap,
> and kalgebra has some advantages over kmplot (3D plotting), while
> kmplot is more flexible than kalgebra for 2D plotting.  So if you like
> kmplot, improving plotting in kalgebra to have comparable features to
> kmplot might be a better approach.
> -Todd
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