[kde-edu]: Parley levels

Evgeny Makarov emakarov at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 15:30:21 CEST 2010


I don't understand how Parley works and am having trouble finding this
information. First, I have Parley 0.9.3 provided with Ubuntu 10.04,
though Parley Handbook at
http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdeedu/parley/index.html refers to
0.9.4; this may explain some difficulties. (I am surprised that when I
choose Help | Parley Handbook from the program, I get help on version

I don't understand what levels are and how they change. The word
"level" occurs only once in Subsection "Practice" of Section 4
"Vocabulary Practice", which only says that it is related to Blocking.
I don't even see the seven boxes in the lower-left corner of the
question window. But this may be because the Handbook says to activate
the Flash Card practice mode, while I don't have it in Practice
Options (I chose Written mode). I am totally confused about how levels

In general, I feel that Parley asks me a word far too few times before
it thinks that I learned it. I know that there is an advanced option
"Require three consecutive answers", but I would like a behavior as in
Byki. There each wrong answers knocks out three points, and each
correct answer adds a point. One is required to earn eight points, and
by this time I feel I know the word. Is anything similar available in

Thank you,

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