[kde-edu]: Practice with Parley 0.9.4

José Troncoso jstroncoso at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 20:05:57 CEST 2010

First of all, I'd like to thank the developers for their great work on such a 
useful application as Parley. Now, there have been a few changes in they way 
practice is implemented in version 0.9.4 which I'd like to comment on.

First, the missing paraphrase practice, which I hope is only temporary, as I 
find it most convenient for advanced learners. Indeed, literal word translation 
is very often misleading, so advanced learners often need to learn new words 
by means of a paraphrase. That's why I think that the paraphrase practice 
shouldn't be left out.

Second, regarding the example paraphrase, I find it confusing having to select 
practice in L1 to practise examples in L2. For example, I have a file with 
words, paraphrases and examples in English and occasional translations in 
Spanish, and I find it confusing having to select Spanish to pratise the 
examples in English.

That's it. I hope you'll find my comments helpful. Thanks a lot.

José Troncoso

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