[kde-edu]: BoF Session at Akademy

Duda Nogueira dudanogueira at gmail.com
Fri May 7 19:59:09 CEST 2010

Hi there, fellows!

So, happens that we may also have a BoF session at Akademy 2010.

Lydia asked me about a possible title for this BoF session, so what do you
guys think it should be?

Here goes my suggestion:

KDE-EDU: Delivering educational applications with KDE

Short Description:
This BoF session will discuss the importance of the KDE-Edu as the
educational stack for KDE and how it drives the option for KDE as the chosen
environment for educational projects. We'll also share experiences, known
issues and demands.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!

Duda Nogueira
Gerente de Projetos em Tecnologia

Celular: +55 31 9985-1271
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