[kde-edu]: Octave backend for Cantor - Any interest?

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Mar 31 23:41:52 CEST 2010

On Wednesday 31 March 2010 21:36:20 Miha Čančula wrote:
> Thank for the quick responses :)
> @Anne-Marie: The "quirks" that bother me are the floating widgets and the
> widgets selector combobox (it doesn't work with the scrolwheel). I
> understand that Qt is not KDE and these are probably Qt deficienciences in
> comparison to KDE. It's not like its unusable.
> @Both: I'm glad that you see it that way, I too would prefer the worksheet
> interface. I also ktow we're going to use numeric tools a lot in the coming
> years, so I'd be happy to work on it during the summer. I will certainly
> write a proposal, thank you very much for your support.

Cantor is an awesome application that will help bringing more students to use 
Free Software instead of expensive proprietary applications.
Any new backend is a great addition and Alexander will mentor you with 100% 

Best regards and don't hesitate to ask anything!


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