[kde-edu]: Review Request: Molmasscalcuation for the kalzium-engine

etienne.rebetez at oberwallis.ch etienne.rebetez at oberwallis.ch
Tue Mar 9 20:09:35 CET 2010

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Review request for KDE-Edu and Plasma.


I was playing with plasma and made a little plasmoid on kde-look: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=114429
The dataengine used is derived from the kalzium dataengine, so i thought i could put the molmass-caculation-code in the "real" kalzium-engine.
new features:
- Send a Molecule to the Engine and get 
  - the total molecular mass
  ? a string with the summerized Elements. e.g CH3CH2OH > C2H6O
- Added some Element informations, like electronegativity and electronconfiguration.

The new molecule query is "Molecule:Parser:<SomeMolecule>"

Thanks for feedbacks


  /trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kalzium/plasmoid/engine/kalzium_engine.h 1101250 
  /trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kalzium/plasmoid/engine/kalzium_engine.cpp 1101250 

Diff: http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/3228/diff




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