[kde-edu]: icee [chemistry]
TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Wed Jun 16 12:04:50 CEST 2010
>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
>Data: 16/06/2010 11.53
>A: <annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr>
>Ogg: R: Re: [kde-edu]: icee [chemistry]
>answering to Anne Marie:
>-do you have users so far for Icee?
>No I've just finished writing it, but at the university we have already used
>it in the old version (tk powered)
>for analitical chemistry lessons and laboratory reports. We found it useful
>and we want to share it.
>-can it be ported to KDE? (related to first question, trying to assess the
>only need)
>Well, the plot widget could be replaced with a KPlot widget, but this means
>that the program will be
>unusable under Windows. It could be a problem because many users, at home,
>- will you maintain it if integrated (writing doc, fixing bugs, adding new
>I will try to maintain it the best way I can. I've already wrote a "Rapid
>Help" because the functioning
>of the program is really simple. I will write something more detailed.
>- did you discuss with Kalzium maintainers on how to integrate it?
>No... I thought this mailing list would be the best way to talk with them.
>Have I to write to someone in particular?
>Luca Tringali
>>----Messaggio originale----
>>Da: annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
>>Data: 15/06/2010 15.39
>>A: <kde-edu at kde.org>, "TRINGALINVENT at libero.it"<TRINGALINVENT at libero.it>
>>Ogg: Re: [kde-edu]: icee [chemistry]
>> Hi,
>>A few questions:
>>- do you have users so far for Icee?
>>- can it be ported to KDE? (related to first question, trying to assess the
>>only need)
>>- will you maintain it if integrated (writing doc, fixing bugs, adding new
>>- did you discuss with Kalzium maintainers on how to integrate it?
>>Best regards,
>>On mardi 15 juin 2010 12:12:22 TRINGALINVENT at libero.it wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> some weeks ago I wrote some suggestions about Kalzium, and said that
>>> I was writing a program, called IceeQt, for analitical chemistry. IceeQt
>>> can be
>>> used in two ways: it can take a system of theorical equations of
>>> and return the equation that describes the changing of a parameter in
>>> function of an initial concentration, or it can take the experimental data
>>> from a titration,
>>> plotting them, and find out the equivalence point and the equation of a
>>> curve that approximate the trend of the points.
>>> Now I'm ready to release the first version of this software. You can find
>>> it here:
>>> http://zorbaproject.uuuq.com/pages/index.php?
>>> sezione=IceeQt&lang=English&page=Download
>>> You can download the binary package or install iceeQt from source code
>>> qmake
>>> make
>>> sudo make install
>>> What do you think about it? Could it be included in Kde-Edu? Are there
>>> changes to do?
>>> Luca Tringali
>>> Student of chemistry, university of Trieste, Italy
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