[kde-edu]: January IRC meeting

Lydia Pintscher lydia at kde.org
Wed Jan 6 15:56:39 CET 2010

Heya folks :)

with the planning for the sprint being on its way we should probably
have a meeting to discuss agenda and stuff. Steph was so kind to sort
the survey results. I'll look into that next and distribute them.
(Thanks a bunch, Steph!). That could also be a topic for meeting. Part
of the survey answers need to be turned into junior jobs in bugzilla.
Justin made a Marble video and we should come up with ideas for
another promo video for him or someone else.

http://www.doodle.com/4qkyqihyy6h6icph has the poll. It will be open
until Sunday. Please pay attention to time zone.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager
kde.org - amarok.kde.org - kubuntu.org

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