[kde-edu]: R: Re: git conversion

LucaTringali TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Tue Dec 21 08:59:12 CET 2010

>On 12/20/2010 08:44 PM, Etienne Rebetez wrote:
>> Am Montag 20 Dezember 2010, 18:59:44 schrieb Niko Sams:
>>> Kde is moving towards git, and so is kdeedu. This crucial part about
>>> that are conversion
>>> rules. I wrote those rules for kdemodules including kdeedu you might
>>> want to use.
>> Thanks;)
>>> But first you have to decide about the repository layout; should it be
>>> split or one big repository?
>>> This has to be decided by the module developers.
>> IMO Kalzium can be split. But it depens on libscience.
>>> I see one issue with split: libkdeedu. You have to make a "real"
>>> library out of it that lives
>>> in it's own repository.
>>> Other than that split seems to be suitable as most/all(?) applications
>>> are independent.
>> Kalzium needs the libscience who is inside libkdeedu. Afaik no other 
>> needs it, so maybe we can move libscience inside kalzium?
>Why not, makes sense.

It seems good to me.
Sorry if don't help with the migration, I'm a little busy,
and I'm starting to learn how git works.

Luca Tringali

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