[kde-edu]: URGENT: Rocs inclusion and kdeedu module future

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Tue Nov 3 19:10:16 CET 2009

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Anne-Marie Mahfouf <
annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a new program ready for KDE 4.4 in playground/edu, Rocs, a Graph
> Theory program.
> Considering it is more specialized than other Edu applications, I asked the
> release-team about the opportunity of creating a new module: kdescience
> with Rocs and Cantor (and maybe Kyle). This is accepted as a possibility
> but
> there are other options.
> However soft feature freeze is tomorrow which implies that the decision
> should
> be taken today in order to be added to the feature plan.
> An option would be for KDE-Edu to be in the near future a project like
> KOffice,
> slightly detached from KDE main but we could still release at the same
> dates.
> This would make us stronger as a branding identity provided we have the
> resources to make it happen: logo, better website, ... At the moment I am
> too
> busy with personal life to take care of it (I am frequently away to see my
> parents, without internet and without time for KDE, I am sorry I cannot be
> more present to organize a meeting and boost us). However other people can
> step in to coordinate this (noneed tobe a developer!)
> So basically for the 4.4 release, we have several options:
> - include Rocs in kdeedu module and wait for 4.5 to make changes
> - create a kdescience module with Rocs and Cantor for 4.4 and see what we
> want
> to do for 4.5
> - make KDE-Edu a specific project which would need some special promotion
> and
> teamwork.
> What do you think?
> Anne-Marie
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I think that drawing a line between kdeedu and kdescience will be extremely
difficult and kind of disappointing to some users.
Maybe what would be a better idea would be to separe kdeedu between kids and
grown up's, in case there is people that doesn't like to have kbruch and
cantor together, which I understand that makes the "grown up's" applications
less important and the kid's feel in the wrong place. KDE-Edu is not a bad
umbrella though, since most science people is actually involved or at least
conscious of education. And as an example, I guess one of the more common
use cases for Rocs will be students (I'm sure you can find something
outside, but still).

As for special promotion and teamwork I think that we will need it we stay
inside KDE or not, since the targeted users is very specific (teachers and
late students, maybe parents) which can have different needs than a shiny
desktop. I understand that if we don't do yet, it's because we don't have
the resources.

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