[kde-edu]: download and installation of Ktouch and other kedu programs

Kasper & Harumi Dahl dahl.kasper at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 19:19:41 CET 2009

Hi Peter

I think I managed to download the installer, but how do I use it? If I
download Ktouch and extract it, I get a folder with a lot of different
files, including what seems to be install files, however
doubleclicking does not work.

Best Regards


2009/3/4 Peter Hedlund <peter at peterandlinda.com>:
> On Wednesday 04 March 2009 12:49:03 pm Kasper & Harumi Dahl wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have tried to download and install Ktouch and i'm interested in
>> installing other k-edu programs, however I'm not really into working
>> with more complex programs, and it seems that downloading and
>> installing these open source programs is relatively complicated. Is
>> there a simple way to download and install these programs?
> Linux: Check with your distribution. They usually have packages for either the
> individual programs or, more commonly, the entire kdeedu module.
> Windows: Download the Windows installer found at
> http://windows.kde.org/download.php and install the kdeedu module.
> Mac: There is some information here http://mac.kde.org/ but it seems they do
> not provide an easily installed version of kdeedu. Does anyone have any
> information of why the mac port is falling behind?
> Let us know if this helps.
> Thanks,
> Peter
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Med venlig hilsen/Best regards

Kasper & Harumi Dahl
Åvænget 1
5492 Vissenbjerg
Tlf.: 64473216
E-mail: dahl.kasper at gmail.com/ksd at nethotel.dk

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