[kde-edu]: Fwd: [kdecat] Typo in kalzium.po (IMHO)

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Sun Jul 19 19:35:19 CEST 2009

Am Sonntag, den 19.07.2009, 19:32 +0200 schrieb Carsten Niehaus:
> Am Samstag, den 18.07.2009, 23:53 +0200 schrieb Aleix Pol:
> > Forwarding from the catalan translations list.
> > 
> Fixed in r999301, thanks! Will be in 4.3-final.

Mmh, shall I backport to 4.3? THis is not exactly critical, but on the
other hand very easy to fix for translators as the would only need to
un-fuzzy the string (translation text will stay the same).

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