[kde-edu]: kde-edu Digest, Vol 63, Issue 2

Timothy Niiler thebin at niiler.com
Tue Jun 3 15:39:08 CEST 2008


This works.  I tried this before rebuilding everything else.

So now that I can play with it... Nice Job on Step!

I will be trying to convert my mechanics labs over to Step so that 
students can have pre-lab and post-lab exercises.  I will also probably 
be attempting to expand the tutorials and Step Handbook as my students 
will certainly be able to use this stuff.  Finally, a colleague has 
suggested that I make screencasts of my examples that show how they are 
built so that students will learn how to use Step simply by watching me 
build exercises.  This is a bit ambitious, but presuming I can get 
things to work, I'd like to know where to post contributions.  Is there 
a wiki or some other repository for this stuff?

Cheers (and thanks for the help!)
Tim Niiler

> Hello,
> Have you tried building Step without libqalculate ? You can do it by passing 
> something like -DSTEP_WITH_QALCULATE:BOOL=OFF to cmake when configuring. In 
> this case you will only lose unit conversion in properties panel - this is 
> the only place where libqalculate is used in step.

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