[kde-edu]: Parley and conjugation

Frederik Gladhorn frederik.gladhorn at gmx.de
Wed Apr 9 02:04:21 CEST 2008

Hi Miriam,

El Saturday 05 April 2008, Miriam Bürse escribió:
> Hello!
> Today I tried out Parley an wanted to learn French irregular verbs.
> I have set the Type to Verb, the Tense to Präsens and set the articles
> and personal pronouns.
> They I have edited the conjugation of one verb to test it. When I set
> the type to Verb I cannot define the conjugation? Why that?
That is strange. Please give me the version number of Parley you are using 
(0.9.0 / KDE 4.0.x).
Editing should work. Maybe you have to click Apply in the dialog once?
Can you also check if the word type is set to "verb" in the combo box in the 
word type editor? (Edit->Grammar->Types - Special meaning)

> When I don't set the type to Verb I can edit it but when I start the
> practice there comes the message that:
> There are currently no suitable expressions for the test you started.
> There are several possible reasons for this; maybe you do not have any
> expressions for the type of practice you requested.
> Most likely, you should adjust your settings referring to thresholds and
> blocking values in the practice options:
> should the configuration dialog be invoked now?
If you chose to practice verbs but Parley finds no conjugations this will 
So it should be solved by solving the above ;)

> Can you tell me, how to configure Parley to lern the verbs?
David is right, it will improve, right now it's not great fun yet.
My main concern is that in the current version progress is not saved for the 
individual conjugation forms, so it's quite hard to get right.


Parley - The Vocabulary Trainer
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