[kde-edu]: kAtomic, Bug 154756, Patch

gnushi at web.de gnushi at web.de
Sun Apr 6 22:56:13 CEST 2008


(I hope, I'm on the right mailing list. I'm sorry, if not)

 There were two issues with katomic, which I fixed today:

1. TODO: gray out corresponding actions if we are at first or at last level
2. Bug 154756

The attachment contains a patch for both.

1) There is now a slot "updateActions()", which enables/disables the corresponding actions. This slot is disconnected, if we are in "--hackmode".

2) katomic goes to the next level by clicking on the corresponding toolbar buttons or after a timer signal elapses. If the user clickes on the button, the timer stops.

As this is my first patch to KDE, please feel free to tell me if I missed anything.

Best regards


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