[kde-edu]: Image authorization

Cassia Nunes cnunes at fiocruz.br
Tue Mar 27 17:53:57 CEST 2007

Good Afternoon.

My name is Cássia and I work with researches on the internet to the technical area of the Núcleo de Biossegurança / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - Rio de Janeiro / Brazil.
I would like to ask your authorization of a picture that is on The KDE Edutainment Project website on http://edu.kde.org/contrib/graphics/renaud/tv.jpg for the use on our homepage on the Fiocruz Website on www.fiocruz.br/biosseguranca . Our intention is only educational news, not intending any lucrative ends.
The image copyrights will be preserved and the original website adress will be insert toghether the authorized image.

Cordially yours,

Cássia Nunes
Núcleo de Biossegurança
Tel.: (55 21) 3882-9158
Fax: (55 21) 2590-5988

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