[kde-edu]: Interesting project: iTALC

Don Balentine dbalentine at ewsc.k12.in.us
Wed Aug 1 18:52:32 CEST 2007

>>> Jeremy Whiting <jeremy at scitools.com> 8/1/2007 12:36 pm >>>
On Wednesday 01 August 2007 10:29:59 am Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> On 8/1/07, Josef Spillner <spillner at kde.org> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I just stumbled over the following Qt4-based project while reading some
> > news
> > on pro-linux.de:
> > iTALC - Intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers
> > http://italc.sourceforge.net/ 
> Hmmm, I had to look a long time to find ANY reference to linux. This might
> not be the best project to advertise KDE with, it doesn't use nor depend on
> KDE, and does only mention it when talking about KDM configuration...
> It's in active use in a school in Saxony according to the author.
> > I suggest having a page on edu.kde.org which lists such tools and also
> > lists
> > edu distros.
> That's a good idea. Imho, each KDE project should have a wiki... Techbase
> is... technical. This stuff belongs as close to the projects as possible.
> Josef
>It is Qt 4 based... so the linux client is close to being a kde app ;) 
> http://italc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?title=Requirements 
> Jeremy

I've been running iTALC for about 2 years.  We run both the master and client under KDE.  I know it runs under other desktops as well.  It's a great tool for schools to use.

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