[kde-edu]: KDE Desktop im harten Schulalltag

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Mon Sep 18 19:53:28 CEST 2006

Am Montag 18 September 2006 11:01 schrieb Christian Külker:
> Hi,
> at the end of this week I will talk about "KDE in the tough school
> environment" at the KDE aKademy 2006 in Dublin.
> http://conference2006.kde.org/conference/talks/28.php

Please make sure to read this page and if possible add comments there:


On that wikipage the KDE-folks discuss kdeedu-issues in preparation for the 
BoF http://conference2006.kde.org/codingmarathon/bof.php

> Example:
> - what features should KDE have for Schools?
> - what are the most significant probles with KDE in schools?
> - what are the demands from the German Skolelinux Team?

We KDE-folks need to know how to improve our apps. If possible file bugs on 
bugs.kde.org. Lets try to communicate our thoughts, problems and ideas in 

  Carsten Niehaus
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