[kde-edu]: QDate in 4.2 - close but no cigar...

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Sat Sep 9 17:37:04 CEST 2006


On Saturday 09 September 2006 04:28, John Layt wrote:
> "A QDate object contains a calendar date, i.e. year, month, and day
> numbers, in the Gregorian calendar (Julian calendar for dates before 15
> October 1582)"
Yes, there was some recent discussion on k-c-d about whether they should use 
the proleptic Gregorian calendar fro dates prior to 1582.  I said that would 
be better for us, but it's not a big deal if they don't do it, because as you 
point out we still need ExtDate to cover more remote dates anyway.  

> So ExtDate lives on.  Ah well, at least the rest of KDE will benefit...
Yes, it will.  Although, according to lxr.kde.org, only kst and kstars are 
using ExtDate classes now.  I don't know if kst would need dates prior to 
JD=1 or not, so they might be happy to use the new QDate.  So it's possible 
that we'll be the only ones using ExtDate :)

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