[kde-edu]: KDE/kdeedu/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot

Benoit Jacob jacob at math.jussieu.fr
Wed Oct 18 18:09:37 CEST 2006

Unfortunately, a closer look to this paper shows that it's not as good as 
it looks. Its label-placement scheme is too rigid, the label's rect must 
have the corresponding dot as one of its four corners. That's too rigid, 
it would for instance fail on the simple example of a horizontal line with 
equally spaced dots, if the spacing is of the order of magnitude of the 
label width, as it would be impossible to guess visually to which dot a 
label corresponds:

Here are a few dots (the x) with labels as they'd be produced by 
their algorithm:

  ...x  x  x  x  x  x...
      Al Cu Fe Ni Mg

As you see, this is not readable.
(To which 'x' does the label 'Fe' refer?)

Anyway, now I'm interested in this problem, so I'll try a few algorithms I 
have in mind.


On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, Jason Harris wrote:

> Great!  Sounds perfect.  Good luck.
> Jason
> On 10/18/06, Benoit Jacob <jacob at math.jussieu.fr> wrote:
>> Cool, here's a freely available research paper on the "point labeling
>> problem":
>> A Fast Algorithm for Point Labeling Problem
>> http://www.cccg.ca/proceedings/2005/42.pdf
>> If you don't object I could try to implement it into kdeeduplot.
>> Benoit
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