[kde-edu]: KDE/kdeedu/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Tue Oct 17 18:14:34 CEST 2006

SVN commit 596476 by cniehaus:

I needed to introduce this new ctor because I am using a KPlotWidget in a .ui file in Kalzium (see Revision 596474). The uic always uses Foo(QWidget*) and you cannot change this. Therefor I need a KPlotWidget(QWidget*)-ctor. Another solution would be to change the order of the arguements so that the QWidget = 0 would be at the first position. I would of course prefere that solution as it would remove this stupid second ctor. 

Jason, Pino, what do you think?

CCMAIL:kde-edu at kde.org

 M  +35 -0     kplotwidget.cpp  
 M  +6 -0      kplotwidget.h  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.cpp #596475:596476
@@ -36,6 +36,41 @@
 #define XPADDING 20
 #define YPADDING 20
+KPlotWidget::KPlotWidget( QWidget *parent )
+ : QFrame( parent ), ShowGrid( false ), ShowObjectToolTips( true ), UseAntialias( false )
+	setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoBackground, true );
+  double x1 = 0.0;
+  double x2 = 1.0;
+  double y1 = 0.0;
+  double y2 = 1.0;
+	// create the axes
+	mAxes[LeftAxis] = new KPlotAxis();
+	mAxes[BottomAxis] = new KPlotAxis();
+	mAxes[RightAxis] = new KPlotAxis();
+	mAxes[TopAxis] = new KPlotAxis();
+	//set DataRect
+	setLimits( x1, x2, y1, y2 );
+	SecondDataRect = QRect(); //default: no secondary data rect
+	//By default, the left and bottom axes have tickmark labels
+	axis(LeftAxis)->setShowTickLabels( true );
+	axis(BottomAxis)->setShowTickLabels( true );
+	setDefaultPaddings();
+	//default colors:
+	setBackgroundColor( Qt::black );
+	setForegroundColor( Qt::white );
+	setGridColor( Qt::gray );
+	setMinimumSize( 150, 150 );
 KPlotWidget::KPlotWidget( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, QWidget *parent )
  : QFrame( parent ), ShowGrid( false ), ShowObjectToolTips( true ), UseAntialias( false )
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.h #596475:596476
@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@
 	 * @param parent the parent widget
 	KPlotWidget( double x1=0.0, double x2=1.0, double y1=0.0, double y2=1.0, QWidget *parent=0 );
+	/**
+	 * @short Constructor. x and y limits will be set to 0.0 and 1.0 (min/max)
+	 * @param parent the parent widget
+	 */
+  KPlotWidget( QWidget *parent=0 );
 	 * Destructor.

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