[kde-edu]: [administrivia] backup admin for kde-edu ML

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Mon Nov 20 20:58:30 CET 2006


I am the admin of the kde-edu mailing list.  Eva was also an admin, but she 
recently decided to stop.  She suggested that I should find someone else to 
be the backup admin for the list.

The job mostly involves deleting spam from the non-member posts queue, but 
occasionally there's a legitimate mail in the queue that needs to be 
approved.  Typically, there are only a few messages per week to be dealt 
with.  I have basically been handling these tasks on my own, and I am happy 
to keep doing so.  The backup position will therefore probably involve no 
work, unless I go on vacation or get sick.

Let me know if you're interested in helping out.


KStars: KDE Desktop Planetarium
kstars at 30doradus.org

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