[kde-edu]: Widgets Section of the edu.kde.org Site

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Wed Nov 1 19:31:58 CET 2006

Matthias Messmer wrote:
> Hi Jason!
> On Wednesday 01 November 2006 18:24, Jason Harris wrote:
>> I may add some other screenshots to the page.
> Of course. I have no kde-trunk running at the moment, so I took a screeny from 
> carstens postings on this list. Perhaps it would be nice to see how the 
> widgets looks in the mentioned application's window.
Sure.  I actually just tried to commit two more screenies, but I 
apparently don't have commit privileges at the new location 
(www/sites/edu).  I've already emailed sysadmin about it.


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