[kde-edu]: FW: Ktouch in finnish

Andreas Nicolai Andreas.Nicolai at gmx.net
Fri Mar 24 17:35:25 CET 2006

Hi there,

I'm pretty busy with work as well. So I haven't had a chance to update any keyboard/training files lately (even though I got quite a few mailed to me). Just forward the files to me and I'll try to do it on the weekend.

About the sounds: We plan to add a few sounds to the next version of KTouch, but that will probably version 2, coming out with KDE 4. Saying the letters is probably not a task for KTouch but instead for KLettres, as Anne-Marie pointed already out. I think KLettres is a program dedicated to learn the alphabeth.

However, I would welcome suggestions how to add some more fancy multimedia stuff to KTouch to make it more sexy and appealing in the next version.


Am Fri, 24 Mar 2006 10:51:47 -0500 hat Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr> geschrieben:

> Hi all,
> I got that message  about a new training file for KTouch (I would call it
> Finnish For Kids instead of Finnish). Is it OK to commit it to kde 3.5 branch
> and trunk? Can someone do it, regarding that I don't have much time presently
> and no current svn checkout?
> What about the sounds?  What would be the advantage of having the keyboard
> versus KLettres?
> Thanks in advance,
> Anne-Marie
> -------------------------------------------------------
> On Friday 24 March 2006 10:40, you wrote:
>> >From: Lewman Niko <niko.lewman at edu.hel.fi>
>> >To: haavard at users.sourceforge.net
>> >CC: annma at kde.org
>> >Subject: Ktouch in finnish
>> >Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 16:41:34 +0200
> Hi
> I have the Finnish training file ready, so here it is. It is mainly targeted
> for kids, my school uses it from grades one through six.
> I am also doing the English version, since the auto-generated version is not
> suitable for young children. My version is targeted to used with Phonics and
> Frys sight words
> A question: would it be hard to attach sounds with this? So when typing the
> letter it would also say it? I can do the English and Finnish sounds.
> Cheers
> Niko Lewman

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