[kde-edu]: (no subject)

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Sep 28 19:14:46 CEST 2005

On Wednesday 28 September 2005 08:20, Trenton Carr wrote:
> Hello all
> I want to start porting KMathTool to kde4. Do I need svn HEAD to do this
> or can I work in my KDE3.4.2? Dial-up will make HEAD tricky for me. If so
> how do I go about it. I looked for some docs but found none.
> Regards
> Trenton


What would be best is to commit your current work to svn so people can help 
with it and also people will be able to help in porting it. HEAD (KDE4) is 
quite difficult at the moment as kdelibs is being ported to scons/bksys.
There is a kdelibs snapshot that builds with unsermake.

In short, to port KMathTools to KDE4 you need:
- qt-copy from trunk 
- kdelibs snapshot with unsermake from kdenonbeta
- playground/edu from /branches/work/kde4/playground/edu to put KMathTool in

If you really want to do so, please see our kde4 webpage on kdeedu website:

But if you do not commit your KDE4 code you will probably not manage on your 
own to keep it synch with the trunk evolution. Committing your code 
to /branches/work/kde4/playground/edu will ensure that some kde4 gurus will 
fix it to keep it synch with the latest changes.

My personal opinion: it is too early to port to KDE4. The new build system is 
not in place, kdelibs is not really defined and only very advanced developers 
port to kde4. Porting itself (=compiling) is not so difficult but making 
things work on kde4 is another thing.
And the 2 trees (3.5 branch and trunk) should be synched.

What would be more useful: commit to 3.5 branch or send some description 
(update the webpage) about KMathTool as nobody knows what it looks like. Send 
your thoughts about other programs like KPercentage and KBruch: can they be 
assimilated in KMathTool? Or can we keep them as they are? I believe people 
will start coding new math progs for KDE4 and if nobody knows what you are 
doing, there is a risk that people will start the same work than you. Only 
yesterday on IRC I had a guy telling me he is interested in doing an algebra 
application for KDE.


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