[kde-edu]: Possible Cooperation with Debian-Edu
rgx at gmx.de
Wed Sep 21 17:03:33 CEST 2005
Dear KDE-Edu Developers,
as a teacher who uses, installs, maintains and supports Debian-Edu (aka
Skolelinux) in many ways, I was happy to join your dinner at Karlsruhe,
this year.
The focus of developing Debian-Edu as a CDD has been very long on the
installation process (which has become really good now!) and services
running on the main server resp. terminal server.
In order to get more acceptance from the users, my personal devotion now
focusses on free educative software to use in school. And here, KDE-Edu
jumps in. I am glad that Carsten and members of credative have been
visiting our Skolelinux testcenter -- you will remember my postings
(and to some I talked via IRC).
At this point I mainly want to put your attention to the debian-edu
mailing list, where Steffen (who was in Malaga, too) just started a
thread about a possible developer meeting at Cologne:
It still has to be discussed in how far there can be binary mode for
this: on the one hand side a classical debian-edu developer meeting
where the working process dominates - and on the other hand a market
place to present and discuss practical results to visitors.
Regards to you all on the last day of Summer (on calender)
P.S.: In case you are searching for a new project, please visit
http://skolelinux.de/wiki/LernSoftware/Desiderata - now also in English
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