[kde-edu]: libscience in kdeedu

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Sat Oct 22 13:30:58 CEST 2005

On Saturday 22 October 2005 13:21, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > * The class is able to read the file elements.xml (found in
> > libscience/data/) ** elements.xml is part of the BlueObelisk-project
> > (http://www.blue-obelisk.org). This means that many projects share this
> > file (Kalzium, JMol, CDK and others). The file is updated from time to
> > time, for example when a new dataset is added or a error in the file is
> > found. Therefore, Kalzium will profit without me having to work on it ;-)
> > On the other hand I am trying to get all data Kalzium has and BO has not
> > into the file. I already added four datasets:
> >  *** block,
> >  *** nameOrigin,
> >  *** boilingPoint,
> >  *** meltingPoint.
> Why not add that to the "original" file? Or are you doing that and i
> misunderstood?

Yes, you misunderstood. The elements.xml is autogenerated from several files. 
It is valid CML with the namespace "bo:".
That file is updated every now and then, I just added those four datasets as 
one file each. After the next generation elements.xml will include the 
values. Then, all BO-supporting apps will have them.

I already generated the file and put it in KDE's repo, so Kalzium is ahead of 
the rest of the world ;-)

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